
Author : Zana Muhsen and Andrew Crofts
ISBN No. : 0751509515

For fifteen-year-old Zana Muhsen and her younger sister Nadia, born and raised in Birmingham, a six-week holiday with relatives in North Yemen sounded like the trip of a lifetime.
It turned into a living nightmare. On their arrival Zana and her sister discovered that their father had literally sold them into marriage and that they were helpless prisoners. The girls had to adapt to a completely alien way of life, living in primitive stone houses with dung-plastered walls and no running water. They suffered rape, frequent beatings and the terrifying ordeal of childbirth on bare mud floors with only old women attendance.
After eight years of misery and humiliation, Zana escaped!

*I bought it in KLIA airport on March, 23rd 2003. The title attracted me.. SOLD.. nice cover (I always judge book by its cover.. do accept my apologies!) It cost RM42.30 but I gain more than that.It is really worth it!! I managed to finish reading it in about 4 hours. Mixed feelings!
p.s: I don't mind if you want to borrow and hope you don't mind to lend yours!


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